Legal Briefs: This Week in Law

February 10, 2014

Lawyer’s Super Bowl commercial goes viral. (Fox Sports)

Maine’s Supreme Judicial Court rules that a school violated anti-discrimination laws when they said a transgender student could only use the staff restroom. (Time)

Immigration judge has a full docket, with sometimes just minutes to decide a case. (Washington Post)

Utah rules that the establishment of a help line for clergy to call regarding possible abuse does not create any duty to aid abuse victims. (Supreme Court of the State of Utah)

Grand jury resister released after months in prison. (Salon)

David Boies and Ted Olson take on Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage. (Bloomberg)

France’s first trial for charges of genocide begins. (Al Jazeera)

What makes for a diverse federal bench? (NY Times)

Photo: Opening quote from attorney Jamie Casino’s Super Bowl video.