Legal Briefs: This Week in Law

February 24, 2014

Justice Scalia declares that deep dish pizza is not pizza. (Time)

Proposed legislation in Kansas would allow businesses to deny services to same-sex couples. (Kansas City Star)

Ninth Circuit rules that individuals may carry firearms outside the home. (National Review)

Children’s rights advocates question whether minors, after being arrested for participating in protests, are being properly treated in Egypt’s judicial system. (Al Jazeera)

Indiana court, finding the law at issue to be too vague, rules that being annoying is not a crime. (Wall Street Journal)

UK high court rules that nine-hour detention of David Miranda was a justified interference with press freedom. (Guardian)

Texas court rules that a trial court erred in granting summary judgment in favor of the mother and ex-wife of a firefighter who died in the line of duty; both parties claimed the decedent’s marriage to a transgender individual was void as a matter of law because it constituted a same-sex marriage. (Thirteenth Court of Appeals)

Proposed law in Maryland would prohibit companies with Holocaust ties from receiving government contracts until reparations are made. (Washington Post)

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